Master of Health Care | Naprapathy | online studies
The Master’s Degree Programme in Naprapathy is a groundbreaking programme in evidence-based manual medicine in Europe, deepening your skills in examining, treating and preventing musculoskeletal disorders.
You will not only improve your skills in clinical work, but also develop new expertise required when working as a specialist in the field as part of a multidisciplinary rehabilitation team. Graduating with a master’s degree from the programme, you will be equipped with the latest knowledge and skills in the field.
The studies focus on deepening the students’ knowledge and skills in manual medicine, based on evidence. By familiarizing yourself with the latest research and international trends in the field you will expand your existing skills, improve your competencies to work in specialist positions and broaden your understanding of the causes and effects of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD).
You will gain a deeper understanding of the importance of physical activity in the treatment and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders and conditions associated with the western lifestyle. At the same time, you will also develop your expertise in sports physiology and sports medicine.
Want to know more?
For more information about Master of Health Care | Naprapathy | online studies, please submit an information request below and the school will contact you with further information.Seuraavat toteutukset
Tutkinto / todistus
Master of Naprapathy
- Lukuvuosimaksu EU/ETA-maiden sekä Sveitsin ulkopuolelta tuleville opiskelijoille 13 500 euroa / lukuvuosi, apurahajärjestelmä ja lisätietoja Kaakkois-Suomen Ammattikorkeakoulun omilla sivuilla.
- Tuition fees for students from outside the EU/EEA countries and Switzerland is 13 500 euros/academic year. Scholarship scheme and further information on Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulu’s own website.
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Xamk - Tunne huominen
Kokeile, oivalla ja opi. Tulevaisuuden ammatit luodaan Xamkissa jo tänään. Valmistu osaajaksi ja työelämän uudistajaksi. AMK- ja YAMK-tutkintojen lisäksi voit kokeilla uutta, laajentaa tai syventää osaamistasi Xamk Pulsen avoimessa ammattikorkeakoulussa, joka on avoin kaikille iästä ja pohjakoulutuksesta riippumatta. Onko aika...
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