Etsi koulutusta 👉
Kandi- ja maisteriohjelmat

Socially Sustainable Societies | Bachelor and Master of Social Sciences

Tampereen yliopisto, paikassa Tampere
3+2 vuotta
Hakuaika: Joint application January
3+2 vuotta
Hakuaika: Joint application January
Oletko valmis? Anna palaa ja hae koulutukseen!

Socially Sustainable Societies | Bachelor and Master of Social Sciences


After completing the Bachelor’s Programme in Socially Sustainable Societies graduates will have gained:

  • competence to critically assess and compare different models of welfare states and social and health protection options
  • understanding on the means to reduce social and health inequality in the context of sustainability
  • methods of assessing social and health impacts and intersectoral action
  • understanding on historical roots and wider politics of social and health protection and  security
  • solid knowledge base and the necessary methodological skills for designing and building socially sustainable societies
  • skills in both qualitative and quantitative methods in health and social sciences, as well as a strong grasp on empirical research and academic writing.

In addition, students will also be familiar with key theories, concepts and research areas in social and health sciences. After completing the programme you are eligible to continue studies for the Master of Social Sciences Degree. You will automatically have the right to continue studies in the Master’s Programme in Social Science Research.

The programme includes a wide array of Finnish language studies guaranteeing at least an A2-level competency for all students, while also facilitating further Finnish language studies for the students. 


The scope of the Bachelor's Programme is 180 ECTS. It consists of the following elements:

  • Joint Studies 30 ECTS; such as language and communication studies, statistics and digital skills, introduction to Finnish society and culture
  • Basic Studies 25 ECTS; such as introductions to sustainable societies and to social research, scientific writing, empirical social research
  • Intermediate Studies 90 ECTS: such as perspectives on social sustainability; theories, ideas and practices of Social Sciences; research methods, career skills and the Bachelor’s Thesis
  • Free Choice Studies 35 ECTS: you can select freely from the offerings of the Tampere University community.

Lähde: Opintopolku

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 1 toteutus


  • Lähiopetus
  • Tampere
  • Hakuaika: Joint application January


Koulutukseen haetaan valtakunnallisessa yhteishaussa osoitteessa

Tutkinto / todistus

Tampereen yliopisto
Kalevantie 4
33014 Tampere

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