Management in Sustainable Business | Master of Business Administration | online studies
The Master’s Degree Programme – Management in Sustainable Business is a degree for you if you want to develop your own insights and enhance your capabilities in order to make informed choices and become more effective at influencing positive sustainable change in your field of business.
Our programme will strengthen your ability to
- expand your knowledge of sustainability across various businesses, industries, and practices
- argue the business case for sustainability informed by a comprehensive understanding of the impact of current global economic, social, and environmental pressures
- integrate sustainability across your organisation’s value chain to ensure long-term value creation
The competences gained during your education respond to the requirements of companies and other organisations and prepare you for challenging development projects in relation to sustainable business.
The key intended learning outcomes:
The student
- is confident when working in multidisciplinary and multinational teams
- can lead the sustainability transition within their team
- can take responsibility and leadership with professional knowledge and practice for company development
- has specialised knowledge in the field of study, which forms a basis for research and development work
Arrangement of studies:
You will network with experienced professors and enthusiastic students from all over the world via inspiring group discussions and reflections, lectures, and business presentations. As teamwork is an essential part of the studies, you will be equipped with excellent co-operational skills in a multicultural environment.
As the studies are implemented online, it is possible to study the degree from your own home country and while you are working. The part-time students’ challenges in time management are carefully taken into consideration when implementing the studies.
During the entire study period, 2-3 intensive weeks are included and implemented with our international partner universities. The student can choose if they want to attend the intensive week on location or online. Some financial support for travelling can be provided, but the student needs to be prepared to cover some of the costs themselves.
Each course starts with an introductory session held online, followed by a development assignment done in groups. The lecturers will support the student groups throughout completion of the assignment and the lecturer is available for weekly guidance sessions for the groups. The different time zones are taken into consideration when arranging the guidance sessions.
Want to know more?
For more information about Management in Sustainable Business | Master of Business Administration | online studies, please submit an information request below and the school will contact you with further information.Seuraavat toteutukset
Applying to the degree programme takes place through an online joint application system at
You are eligible for Master's Degree studies when you have completed relevant qualification and obtained required work experience. Please check your eligibility on the HAMK’s website or Studyinfo service.
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Master of Business Administration
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