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Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business, Master of Hospitality Management | part-time studies

Haaga-Helia, paikassa Helsinki
1,5 – 3 years
Eligible for study allowance
Hakuaika: Joint application
1,5 – 3 years
Eligible for study allowance
Hakuaika: Joint application
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Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business, Master of Hospitality Management | part-time studies

The Master’s Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business is based on the future needs of the tourism and hospitality industries and gives a student an opportunity to focus on areas important for his/her own professional development. The studies are planned especially for experts in tourism and travel organisations as well as for experts working in the hospitality industry. The goal of the degree programme is to raise the knowhow of an expert to a developer level.

After the studies, the graduates will be able to implement change projects and lead the transformation of their organisation toward achieving its higher competitive advantage in a fast changing, global and international tourism and hospitality business environment. They will work in positions, for example: leading work development projects, planning and implementing business strategies, acting as leaders of their own business domestically and internationally.

Compulsory studies focus on research and development skills as well as competences needed in developing organisations and leading change. Studies enhance students’ abilities in analytical and critical thinking and problem solving. Specialisation studies focus on sustainable tourism and hospitality related skills and competences. Studies enhance the students’ ability to apply current research knowledge in their professional field. Free-choice studies provide students with more general business competences like communication and designing services to strategic thinking and digital business opportunities.

Specialisation Areas

In the beginning of studies, students choose their specialisation, on the basis of individual career goals and development needs. The specialisation studies together with thesis account for the majority of the Master's studies. Specialisations cover a whole spectrum of business areas. In this degree programme, the recommended specialisation is Experience Economy and Designing Services, read more below:

  • Experience Economy and Designing Services
  • Strategic Thinking and Management
  • Leadership and People Managment
  • Leading Sales and Customer Experience
  • Communication and Marketing Management
  • Entrepreneurial Business Management
  • Digital Business Opportunities

Kiinnostuitko koulutuksesta?

Jos haluat lisätietoa aiheesta Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business, Master of Hospitality Management | part-time studies, voit täyttää alta löytyvän yhteydenottolomakkeen. Kysymyksesi lähetetään suoraan oppilaitokselle.

Seuraavat toteutukset

Tulossa 1 toteutus


  • Monimuotototeutus
  • Helsinki
  • englanti
  • Hakuaika: Joint application


The admission takes place on www.studyinfo.fi.

Tutkinto / todistus

Master of Hospitality Management

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Haluatko tietää lisää koulutuksesta Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Business, Master of Hospitality Management | part-time studies? Täytä yhteystietosi, niin oppilaitos ottaa sinuun yhteyttä.

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Ratapihantie 13
00520 Helsinki

Haaga-Helia avaa ovet työelämään!

In English Haaga-Helia ammattikorkeakoulu kouluttaa liike-elämän ja palveluelinkeinojen asiantuntijoita sekä tutkii ja kehittää näihin aloihin liittyvää osaamista ja toimintaa. Haluatko olla oman alasi asiantuntija? Haaga-Helia tuntee elinkeinoelämän tarpeet ja muutokset – koulutuksesi vastaa ajankohtaisiin haasteisiin. Valmistut edelläkävijäksi, joka sekä hallitsee käytännön taidot...

Lue lisää oppilaitoksesta Haaga-Helia ja katso koulutustarjonta täältä
